Shipping and return policies for Twin Symptoms

Shipping Info
All items will be shipped via the service you prefer, within reason! Please specify how you would like to receive your package and it will be sent accordingly. If no method is specified, it will be sent via USPS mail with standard shipping in a bubble mailer.
Return Policy
If a mistake was made on our part with the requested item (i.e., wrong t-shirt size/color, receiving a 7" when you asked for a CD, etc) we would be more than happy to exchange the item for the correct one as quickly as possible with no cost to you. If it's a matter of personal preference, (i.e., you order a t-shirt only to decide that you aren't happy with the design after you receive it) well, you know what they say... there's no accounting for taste. In which case you are officially SOL good sir/madam.